2024 Inclusion & SEND Resource Base

Children with SEND or those with mental health, neurodivergent or behavioural challenges can find it difficult to engage with education. They may find it even more difficult when the environment doesn't have an inclusive nature to it leaving them to feel isolated.  

  • "Of all the children excluded from schools in England last year, 47% had some form of special educational needs, according to Department for Education figures.” (Martin, 2023)
  • Alarmingly, just 1 per cent of excluded young people go on to achieve five good GCSEs including English and Maths. Excluded pupils are also far more likely to be economically inactive aged 25 and have far higher rates of involvement with the criminal justice system.” (Suspending Reality, CSJ, 2024)

We need to implement more inclusive learning environments for children so they can reach their educational potential and thrive in their personal development. This can be achieved in alternative provision when integrated correctly. Take a look at the report below to find out how it can all be done.

2024 EDClass White Paper Report - How to Implement an Effective Inclusion & SEND Resource Base 

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EDClass 2024 Inclusion white paper cover

"Schools should have an inclusive culture that supports arrangements to:

- identify early those pupils who may be disadvantaged or have additional needs or barriers to learning

- meet the needs of those pupils, drawing on more specialist support when necessary, and help those pupils to engage positively with the curriculum

- ensure that pupils have a positive experience of learning and achieve positive outcomes

- understand why pupils may be absent from school and provide swift support to improve their attendance” (School Inspection Handbook, 2024)

Download our white paper for free and discover invaluable insights into crafting an environment where all students, regardless of their challenges, can flourish academically and emotionally.

Inside, you'll find:

- Strategies for implementing personalised plans to overcome learning barriers
- Tips on using a flexible hybrid approach to boost confidence
- Expert advice on supporting neurodivergent students to achieve excellence, and more.

Read EDClass's white paper by clicking the image or by clicking here.

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