Anti-Bullying Policy


EDClass was set up to support the reintegration, where possible, of learners who cannot access mainstream education, for reasons such as; Emotional based school Avoidance, mental health (e.g. anxiety), Physical health and/or behavioural reasons such as short term or fixed term exclusions.

No learner within the EDClass learning platform interacts with any other learner to protect all learners from bullying or cyber bullying whilst on our platform.

Our platform does not use any third-party platforms and all chats, logs, interactions and engagements whilst working with the teachers are done on a one-to-one basis.  When live chats and classrooms occur no child can communicate, see or witness any other learner, therefore protecting the learner from peer bullying or cyber bullying whilst on the platform.

We are a solely online provision that provides schools, academies, MATs and Local Authorities the opportunity to add KS3 and KS4 learner to the platform. Learner will be placed through the admissions, attendance and safeguarding process to EDClass ‘Learning Seat’ if the Referrer of the platform intends for EDClass to be the sole provider of the child’s education.

However, in today’s technological age we must still protect our learners from bullying online and any form of bullying.

At EDClass we ensure that learner gain access to a curriculum that is appropriate, to their needs ensuring, where reasonably practicable they are not disadvantaged to their peers who access within the mainstream setting. Our Anti Bullying Policy should not be viewed in isolation; it is a strand that runs through all the aspects of school improvement, supported by our policies on Safeguarding, Admissions, Attendance and Behaviour policies.

The Policy

1. EDClass should be a place where learners feel happy, safe, confident and respected. Every learner has the right to learn without being teased, harassed or humiliated. Our duty of care includes protecting learners from harm and bullying.

This policy applies to EDClass, its employees, teachers, directors, consultants, vendors, contractors or any other party.

2. This policy takes full account of the EDClass obligations under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the Education Act 2011:

  • to make a written copy of the anti-bullying policy available on request;
  • to set the strategies to be followed with a system to implement them and a mechanism for monitoring and reviewing their effectiveness.

3. There are a number of pieces of legislation which set out measures and actions for ourselves and our commissioning schools in response to bullying, as well as criminal and civil law. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Public Order Act 1986;
  • The Malicious Communications Act 1988;
  • The Children Act 1989;
  • Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994;
  • Protection from Harassment Act 1997;
  • The Children Act 2004;
  • The Education and Inspections Act 2006;
  • The Equality Act 2010;
  • The Education Act 2011;

Definition of bullying

4. Bullying can be defined in a number of ways. We follow Department for Education (“DfE”) guidance which defines bullying as behaviour that is:

  • repeated
  • intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally
  • often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation

Specific Examples of bullying

  • Emotional = someone being unfriendly, tormenting and teasing
  • Verbal = name calling, spreading rumours, making fun of someone
  • Physical = pushing, kicking, hitting, biting and spitting
  • Racial = racial taunts, making fun of culture, colour, creed or religion
  • Sexual = unwanted physical contact
  • Homophobic = because of/or focusing on the issues of sexuality
  • Transphobic bullying = Behaviour or language that makes a child or young person feel unwelcome or marginalised because of their perceived or actual gender identity
  • Coercive behaviour = a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim
  • Online/cyber = setting up hate websites, offensive text messages, and emails

Aims and objectives

5. The aim of this policy is to try and prevent and deal with any behaviour deemed as bullying. The implementation of this policy will create an ethos where bullying is regarded as unacceptable so that a safe and secure environment is created for everyone to learn and work in. All members of EDClass have a responsibility to recognise bullying when it occurs and take appropriate action in accordance with the policy.

Any type of bullying, cyber bullying, coercive behaviour or a discriminative act towards a learner or a member of EDClass staff whilst on the EDClass platform will not be tolerated. All procedures and sanctions will be adhered to as stipulated in the behaviour policy and sanctions document.

6. This will happen in the following way:

  • EDClass will meet the requirement to provide this policy to protect the learners within the commissioning schools and also adhere to their anti- bullying policy which are in place;
  • EDClass will work closely with other professional agencies with a view to encouraging good behaviour and respect for others on the part of learners and, in particular, preventing all forms of bullying among learners; (Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the Education Act 2011). It is based on DfE guidance “Preventing and Tackling Bullying” July 2017 and supporting documents. It also considers the DfE statutory guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education” 2020.
  • all teaching and non-teaching staff, learners and parent/carers will have an understanding of what bullying is;
  • all teaching and non-teaching staff will be aware of the EDClass ’s policy on bullying and will consistently and swiftly follow it when dealing with bullying and what can be done if bullying is reported;
  • all learners and parent/carers will know what the EDClass ’s policy is on bullying and what can be done if bullying occurs;
  • learners and parent/carers will be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported in any form;
  • pro-active teaching strategies will be implemented to raise awareness of bullying issues.

Specific EDClass targets

7. To ensure that all members of EDClass governance, parents, learners, teaching and non-teaching staff have seen and had the opportunity to discuss the policy.

8. To ensure all staff are familiar with the procedure for reporting incidents

9. To ensure all incidents of bullying are recorded and monitored

10. To ensure every learner receives clear signposting and behaviour sanctions which adheres to our behaviour sanctions document where matters can be discussed.

11. To foster a caring atmosphere in and around the EDClass, in which learners feel able to intervene to help victims and to report incidents if it occurs within the online environment.

12. Show respect for every learner and other colleagues within EDClass communities as individuals

13. Be aware of vulnerable learners

14. Criticise the behaviour rather than the learner

15. Avoid favouritism

16. Be seen to be fair

17. Avoid labelling

18. Have high expectations of learners

19. Never give learners ammunition to use against each other or against staff

20. Actively seek to develop a praise culture within the EDClass

21. We therefore believe that all learners must:

  • show respect for their fellow learners and adults working within the EDClass ’s community;
  • support and be sensitive to other when they may be feeling vulnerable 
  • actively seek to develop a praise culture within the EDClass
  • actively support the EDClass ’s anti-bullying policy
  • take responsibility for their own behaviour.

Equal opportunities

22. Every member of the EDClass ’s community is entitled to expect equality of protection from bullying as well as protection and support from the EDClass ’s policies and procedures designed to ensure that EDClass remains a safe environment in which to teach.

Preventing Bullying 

23. Teachers help prevent bullying in the one-to-one chats, lessons and EDSupport classroom?

  • Explain that bullying will not be tolerated 
  • Everyone is expected to ensure it does not happen and has the responsibility to tell 
  • Use appropriate curriculum opportunities to discuss bullying issues 
  • Set a ‘good example’ treat all learners with respect and demonstrate how conflict can be resolved.

24. All bullying incidents will be reported to the commissioning school and adhere to the behaviour sanctions procedures. 

25. If a bullying incident happens the EDClass staff on EDSupport will:

  • Listen to the learner 
  • If poor behaviour is witnessed then follow the procedures set out in the Behaviour sanctions 
  • If concerns that the behaviour is ongoing and could be classed as bullying then this should be referred to pastoral team or main point of contact in the commissioning school who will investigate the issue with our team
  • Collect independent witness statements and ask for the streams and recording to be downloaded and sent to the commissioning schools’ main point of contact and DSL. 
  • The relevant strategies and procedures should then be established in dealing with bullying and set out with the learner in line with the policy.
  • Place the incident into the behaviour log to see if there are repeat/ previous incidents which then denote higher sanctions and possible further intervention.
  • Offer 


26. Our staff cannot promise absolute confidentiality if working with a learner online by a learner for help. Staff must make this clear to learners. Child protection procedures must be followed when any disclosures are made. It is very rare for a learner to request absolute confidentiality. If they do in situations other than those involving child protection issues, staff must make a carful judgement whether or not a third party needs to be informed. This judgement will be based upon:

  • the seriousness of the situation and the degree of harm that the learner may be experiencing;
  • the learner’s age, maturity and competence to make their own decisions.
  • the commissioning schools bullying policy and the pastoral teams decision.

27. EDClass will always the commissioning school together with the learner, unless clearly inappropriate. Learners will always be encouraged to talk to their parent/carer. An underlying principle in supporting learners in our EDClass is that all children are listened to sensitively and objectively and all incidences of bullying will be taken seriously. Although our EDClass cannot guarantee confidentiality learners will be informed of national and local help lines, if appropriate where confidentiality can be maintained.

Guidance for parents

28. Guidance for parents if your child is being bullied:

  • Contact the commissioning schools’ pastoral team and make an appointment to address this matter (EDClass will assist all our commissioning schools and partners)

Strategies to reduce bullying

29. EDClass adopts a range of strategies to prevent bullying, to raise awareness of bullying and to support victims and bullies. The EDClass platform does not enable any interaction in open classroom as the platform is designed for personalised one to one support through the live one to one mechanism. 

30. If you experience bullying by mobile phone, text messages, e-mail or Facebook:

  • tell a friend, parent or teacher;
  • be careful who you give your mobile phone number or e-mail address to;
  • make a note of exactly when a threatening message was sent.

EDClass staff will record all conversations for child protection and report this to our commissioning schools’ main point of contact

Support for learners who experience bullying

31. If a learner is being bullied:

  • click an alert within the platform and tell somebody in EDClass what has happened straightaway;
  • get away from the situation as quickly as possible;
  • try to stay calm and look as confident as you can;
  • be firm and clear - look them in the eye, if possible, tell them to stop and tell them how you feel.

32. After you have been bullied:

  • tell a teacher or another adult you within the EDClass platform. 
  • tell your family; 
  • if you are scared to tell a teacher or adult on your own, ask a friend to go with you;
  • keep on speaking until someone listens and does something to stop the bullying;
  • do not blame yourself for what has happened.

33. When you are talking to an adult about bullying be clear about:

  • what has happened to you;
  • how often it has happened;
  • who was involved;
  • was anyone else involved or witness to the incident.

Monitoring arrangements

34. This policy will be evaluated and updated where necessary annually. The views of our learners and staff will be used to make changes and improvements to the policy on an ongoing basis.


35. EDClass is committed to a policy of celebrating diversity, promoting equality of opportunity, providing an inclusive workplace, and eliminating any unfair treatment or unlawful discrimination. This overriding objective applies to all policies and procedures relating to staff and learners. EDClass will always comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and associated guidance produced by the Department for Education.