Jude’s Success Story
We are proud to be all-inclusive as we highlight one of the success stories from an LGBTQ2+ member on the platform.
Schools can be a daunting place for young students who are a part of the LGBTQ2+ community. Bullying and mental health issues can be prevalent but alternative provisions sites, like EDClass, can help such students be educated in a fun, safe and all-inclusive environment.
EDClass has many students within the LGBTQ2+ community and one student – ‘Jude’ has bravely shared their experience after working closely with our teacher Colin Hall, for which we are extremely thankful. We have used a pseudonym to protect the student’s identity. Jude said:
“I was suffering from severe tics for some period of time and for this reason I felt unwell mentally to go to school. Also, I had issues with my mum at this time and had ‘come out to school as trans and felt uncomfortable there at school, that’s why I joined.”
EDClass endeavours to improve students’ mental health and attainment levels in an environment they are comfortable. Jude added:
“EDClass has really helped with my mental health and helped me get better while still learning and not falling behind my peers. I think that talking to someone while coming into education again has really made me feel comfortable in an online education environment.”
Incorporating one-to-one support from qualified teachers and support staff, the EDClass platform also includes thousands of engaging video lessons and an extensive library of content and assessments that can develop a student’s understanding. Jude said:
“EDClass give you a range of topics and subjects to learn, going from Biology to English etc. This has made a big impact going from me not going to school at all to still not going to school but being able to still learn. I learnt that education can be done anywhere as long as you have the resources not just at school. It’s also made me work up the courage to go back to school again, which I’m thankful for.”
We are proud to see the success Jude has had, like many others using the platform. Students using EDClass can continue their studies and progress into adulthood at their own pace. Jude concluded:
“The website has made me be able to not only focus on education but my mental health as well so I think that’s what the staff and the people who made this should be proud about. I would recommend EDClass to other people because this system has made me feel although I’m not at school constantly I can still get work done and not feel like I’m falling behind anyone.”
If you would like some information on how EDClass can help you then please call 01909 568 338 or send an email to mail@edclass.com.