Our classroom to support learning

EDClass offers a safe and secure live and recorded learning environment with engaging face-to-face teaching and well-being support. The learning application and our online classroom were been designed to help break barriers to learning with experienced UK-qualified teachers using the personalised e-learning aspects.  

Our methodology is unique! Our UK teachers, who are based from our offices in Dinnington, Sheffield, are recorded delivering topics and this is streamed to our students who are placed on a seat. This series of lessons builds a pathway of learning that is individualised and flexible. Students then complete the series of lessons with further interactive e-learning lessons and other resources as part of the topic and pathways. We provide access to exams, mocks, quizzes and questions alongside the live and pre-recorded lessons as part of the series of lessons (learning pathways) to assess, test and monitor their knowledge, understanding and progress. 

Our online classroom enables students to change and learn at their own pace with our UK-trained and qualified teachers. The students can have one screen, two screens, or manipulate the view so that it assists their learning with the ability to personalise every aspect. 

We have a range of teachers, support and well-being workers to assist learners in all aspects when they are learning live, on-demand or independently. Alongside the live teaching element, your students can be offered just the content with pre-recorded sessions or access: 

  • live teaching sessions or on-demand sessions
  • a timetabled approach where live and pre-recorded lessons are scheduled 
  • drop-in sessions
  • a learning schedule 
  • live support 
  • live interactions and engagements with our teachers as they progress through the learning resources
  • teaching or tutoring on 1-1 or 1-20 / class or year group 
  • ad-hoc sessions for learners to have online support when requested

We are proud that our online education service and classroom, our on-demand library of video lessons, and structured pathways allow your students to learn, progress and be educated at their optimum achievable rate. This is how we support your students using our platform our in-one collaboration platform where you can use our platform to deliver to and communicate via text-based, video, and audio communications. We have the facility for staff to deliver from school or at home at a moment's notice to ensure there is never a time when our support is not available to your students whilst remaining compliant with government guidelines. Or, we can help work in partnership with your establishment to deliver support and online education using our teaching and support staff to provide a safe and secure online education provision. Our live classroom allows face-to-face teaching and interaction with screen sharing and video conferencing. We have a successful, tried and tested, contingency plan in place. Allow the live classroom in EDClass to be part of your online education strategy. 

Safeguarding for live supervision and teaching in line with KCSIE (2024)

Students can access the support mechanism within EDClass instantly once they are logged on to our online live portal classroom and seats. This is where teachers and assistants can be seen live teaching, supervising and supporting your students. Once in a seat, the live stream starts for safeguarding and the learner can ask for assistance anytime via face-to-face; verbal chat; instant chat; written chat; question and answer sessions.

The one-to-one support, live teaching and live support (chat) enable any teacher to assist in any student learning.

The live classroom within EDClass also has the facility to track students' learning off-site to ensure that staff can maintain constant contact with learners who are being educated externally. Our teaching staff are available to the student at the click of a button and will help guide students through their learning. The work students complete will also be marked by EDClass teachers. All video recordings are saved and sent directly to your IT technicians to store and back up for data protection, child protection and safeguarding protocols.

EDClass can help schools and centres to instantly educate students who have difficulty attending a mainstream provision due to illness, shielding, behaviour, pastoral or access issues. We provide a safe and secure learning environment for hard-to-reach students, allowing them to achieve, whilst offering educators our online platform and safeguarding tools. This will help each student reach their full potential in a controlled and safe environment. EDClass staff can educate students on specific timetabled pathways via live video stream which is recorded to safeguard teachers, school staff and students. Learners follow a unique pathway for themselves and receive support when they require it. 

Within EDClass there is the facility to speak, support, and teach face-to-face via our live classroom and live support mechanism. 

For safeguarding purposes, all the chat, recordings, backups, alerts and aspects are still paramount to the process. All live lessons can be streamed live for teacher/student viewing and are also recorded and automatically backed up and saved to ensure safeguarding all around. These can be viewed by schools live and also request the feed. The students would be able to ask for and receive help, feedback, comments, and direction from our support members, ensuring all students can progress within EDClass. You and your organisation can see the chat live with the student and teacher. The video can work chat-wise and can be muted. The students can follow any path, timed and date stamped for their learning. The students click on this button to activate the chat and live support whilst learning which is then where the live face-to-face chat occurs. Yes, this is also recorded, saved and tracked. Live lessons and tutoring can also occur from this point which can be engaged by the teacher or the student. Once clicked it takes them straight into learning. The learning, idle and question time is recorded. The files are encrypted and sent to the school every evening once learning and the sessions have been completed. All videos are automatically sent through via your SFTP and stored via a folder for safeguarding. Every file is saved, encrypted and sent to the school.

This facility will enable us to further support students and the needs of those involved with these individuals in furthering their education. The difference between this and our normal support is that there is more supervision used for the students learning off-site.

How the seats work with our classroom

Our delivery and implementation are distinct from other online platforms which you may have experienced and/or investigated, we are proud of our methodology and will be able to outline it below. 

The seats can be rotated between learners; think of this like your classrooms, each time the bell goes your learners move to their next lessons and you get a whole new classroom of learners but the chairs and desks stay where they are. When you purchase a seat with us you are building your school's virtual classroom and each time a learner has completed a session on a seat they can be rotated off and another learner can then access your virtual classroom. Our virtual classrooms are designed for and support; catch-up classes, online learners, or any student not attending school. Every session, lesson and discussion is recorded for child protection.  

As the student access their online classroom their registration is taken, we do this while also conducting a welfare welcome questionnaire. The registration times match your school's timetable.  Once a live lesson is conducted our editing team edits the lessons so any student at any time can access it.

There is a library of over 1000+ pre-recorded video lessons delivered by our teachers already for students to access and view on-demand which are part of a series of topics and pathways of learning available. Alongside this, there are 12,000 support online lessons in EnglishMaths and Science with other core and foundation subjects. This on-demand library of content works alongside the online classroom and students can request live support.